The operating system is changing

New Directions in Operating Systems

A one day conference, 25 November 2014, London

The conference was held on Tuesday 25 November 2014, Shoreditch Village Hall

Bytemark hosting and Red Hat kindly sponsored this event.

Blogs and articles about the conference (let me know if you know of more):

Time Speaker Title
Antti Kantee Fixup Software Rump kernels and {why,how} we got here slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Norman Feske Genode Labs Genode – OS security by design slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Robert Watson Cambridge University, FreeBSD New ideas about old OS security mp4 video mp3 audio
Gareth Rushgrove Puppet Labs Managing configuration for future operating systems slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Michael Scherer Red Hat Exploring a new way to manage systems with ostree and Atomic project slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Peter Tribble Tribblix Tribblix: adventures with illumos slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Martin Lucina Lucina & Associates Rumprun for Rump Kernels: Instant Unikernels for POSIX applications slides
Franco Fichtner Packetwerk An introduction to userland networking slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Alexis Richardson Zettio Weave's mission and values – back to the future slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Hajime Tazaki University of Tokyo Userspace networking: Network Stack in Userspace slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Anil Madhavapeddy OCaml Labs Jitsu: Just-in-Time Summoning of Unikernels slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Karanbir Singh CentOS CentOS Linux: A Continuously integrating platform mp4 video mp3 audio
Geo Carncross Telemetry How to program computers (kos) slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Malte Schwarzkopf University of Cambridge DIOS, a distributed operating system for your data centre slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Bernard Blackham Leave nothing to chance: building high-assurance software systems slides mp4 video mp3 audio
Gerry Carr Trying to make an OS popular: a cautionary tale slides mp4 video mp3 audio


  • Will it happen again? Quite likely...
  • How can I get in touch? You can email [email protected].
  • Can I sponsor the conference? Sure. Get in touch by email.
  • Who is this aimed at? Developers, sysadmins and operations people, anyone interested in what is going on with operating systems.
  • What is the code of conduct? See here.
  • Will recordings of talks be available? Yes they will be available after.
  • Where is the Lanyrd page? it is here
  • Who is organizing this? Mostly it is Justin Cormack, who is interested in these things. You can also reach me on twitter.